3-5X Improvement Fast - Leverage Principles Methods and Outcomes.
- Sam Geppi (Sadasiva) - Author of "Yoga and Vedic Astrology" and "The Ascendant". 
Who are you, really?
Beyond your body and mind?
Beyond your family and your possessions.
Who are you beyond everything you are going to lose.
Today  - Leverage, Compounding with  Principles, Methods and Outcomes.  

This is Paul Lemberg, one of my favorite business advisors. He talks about optimizations and making small changes and COMPOUNDING
Making Small Changes That Move Mountains.
You may have also heard, small hinges swing BIG DOORS!  

As i showed in the Video, in Business modeling 10% Increases at every step in the process pay off HUGE!
Why, because of compounding.

Think of how much better your astrology understanding would be if you just improved everything you "KNOW" by 10%,.. just 10%

I showed in the Video how a 10% increase in efficiency, over about 15 friction points in a simple sales cycle can increase ROI (Return on Investment) by 3X!

Simple tweaks. Where the same money or time spent yields almost 3 times the profit (or benefit). What started as 40 Sales became 112 Sales with just 14, 10% improvements. Imagine that!

Astrology Improvement and Compounding
Do you think you have 10% of growth / learning to make relative to each of the planets? (9 of them) How about the Signs? (12 of them), the Houses? (12 of them) ,.. Aspects, Transits?

Imagine what your understanding of Astrology would be with just these simple tweaks! What might produce a 25% understanding of your chart (and you life) today, would show a 60-70% improvement, just by raising your awareness of these "Foundational Principles".

How much would you pay for such exponential astrological or personal growth?
More importantly, how much could you EARN from such an exponential improvement.
And yes, I do not talk about it a lot, but many of my students have made their money back 10 times in readings!,.. not to mention personal growth and understanding!

I guarantee you will improve your knowledge of each planet, Sign and house by 10%.. In fact,... 

I Guarantee My Certification Course.
That's how confident I am in it.
Click Here to Register now If You Still Can. 

Click Here to Learn More About What Is Holding You Back and What to Do about It! 

10% Growth on These Problems and 10% Growth on Each Solution is Life-Changing!
Stay Tuned - In 2 Days We Will Bring in The Houses and show the sensible order of Chart reading & "The P&S" .

Until Then, Consider a few things:

  • All of your planets (forces of light) are evolving, just some with less pain and some with more.  
  • But regardless of how close they are to the full current, there is access to your full power - every minute of every day.  
  • Would it benefit you to REALLY understand this, like my serious students do? How would that change your life? 
  • Would you like to help others understand this too?
  • If so, Register for the Certification Course Now - while you still can.
You Can Learn and are Meant to Know Vedic Astrology
Years ago I realized that Vedic astrology was being massively overcomplicated in the way it was being taught. This is mainly because teachers did not have a system in place. Instead, it was thought that someone needed to be “gifted” in order to understand and practice astrology. But again, that is not really the case. Vedic astrology is like any other subject that you can learn, if you go to a college and want to learn it. At least I know it is for those who study with me, because I have broken it down to these levels first - then the complexity is added on top.
(c) 2022 Vedic Art and Science